A Proper Victorian Courtship
Courting Miss Cartwright is (no surprise here) about the courtship of Rocky Gideon for Miss Temperance Cartwright, an example of A Proper Victorian Courtship. …And then for Miss Felicity Cartwright, her sister. What a mess!
But first he finds himself conflicted by what he genuinely believes is the right way to go about selecting the correct bride–one who will ensure marital contentment that surpasses life’s difficulties and will last his lifetime. Rocky needs stability, so when Felicity arrives in Mountain Home, Colorado, and he’s drawn to her, he has more reasons than the simple “she’s the sister of the girl I’m already courting” conflict to keep them apart.
Rocky’s directions came from the Cartwright father–who just happens to be a preacher.
The Marriage Guide for Young Men
I came across a fantastic primary historical resource: The Marriage Guide for Young Men: A Manual of Courtship and Marriage, by Rev. George W. Hudson, published in 1883. While studying this Victorian-era book so much of the conflict and story for my new novella crystallized.
Rather than use direct quotes from this now public-domain book, I created fictional quotes from my character’s own book of the same type. The Reverend Cedric Cartwright wrote his book: The Gentleman’s Guide to Courtship and Marriage based upon his life experience, advice he’d given to parishioners, and his own world view (naturally skewed). I decided to write brief snippets of Cartwright’s book as chapter headers within Courting Miss Cartwright.
The basic Victorian-era view about a “proper courtship”–how to go about in such a manner as to respect a young woman’s feelings and ensure the young man obtains the right wife for him–is common throughout many “self-help” books published in the 19th century.
I want to share a passage of Rev. Geo. W. Hudson’s book (the real one, published in 1883). This section first sparked the possibilities and Courting Miss Cartwright is the result.

Part 1. Marriage Guide Young Men, beginning on p 58.

Part 2.




















eBook files of Rev. Geo. W. Hudson’s book: The Marriage Guide for Young Men: A Manual of Courtship and Marriage:
Courting Miss Cartwright
NOTE: While Cowboys & Calico‘s time has come to an end, my novella, Courting Miss Cartwright is now available for kindle and in paperback from Amazon and KristinHolt.com.
Up Next!
contains whole opening scene of Courting Miss Cartwright
followed by
A focus on the “picnic basket auction” scene near the end of the book, and a free peek at the beginning of that scene…
and more about that “picnic basket auction” scene…
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Updated July 2019
Copyright © 2016 Kristin Holt LC