Telephones for Sale by Sears Roebuck
Telephones for Sale by Sears Roebuck

Victorian phone box with receiver and bells visible. Snapshot taken in a museum by Kristin Holt.
Introduced at Centennial Exposition: Telephones

1876 Centennial Exposition map chromatic view. Courtesy of West Philadelphia Collaborative History.
The Centennial Exposition was a huge to-do, held in Philadelphia at the United States’ Centennial Celebration in 1876.
Mass-produced products and new inventions were on display at the 1876 World Fair, many found within the walls of Machinery hall. Some of the main inventions on display included sewing machines, typewriters, stoves, lanterns and guns, plus horse-drawn wagons, carriages and agricultural equipment.
…The exposition also featured many well-known items of today such as; Alexander Graham Bell’s first telephone which was set up on opposite ends of Machinery Hall to demonstrate the transfer of human voice through wires, the Automatic telegraph system and electric pen by Thomas Edison… [source]

Quote source: Collectors Weekly
Use of the word “telephone“, historically, looks like this:

“Telephone”, Use over time, Google.
Use of the word “phone“, historically:

“Phone”, Use over time, per Google.
Historic Silver City’s Telephones
Silver City, Idaho is now a ghost town, but once a thriving mining city in south-western Idaho.
The settlement grew quickly and was soon considered one of the major cities in Idaho Territory. aThe first daily newspaper and telegraph office in Idaho Territory were established in Silver City. The town was also among the first places in present-day Idaho to receive electric and telephone service. [source]

Antique telephone on the wall of Idaho Hotel, check-in area.
Telephones in the Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue: 1897 and 1898
In 1897 and 1898 editions of the Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue, the same category header for “TELEPHONES” was printed. Curiously enough, this preface references developments in technology “in the past year” but the text wasn’t updated in 1898.

Header of Telephone Section of Sears, Roebuck, & Co., 1897 (catalog no. 104).

Telephone Header in Sears, Roebuck, & Co., Consumer’s Guide 1898 (catalog no. 107).
The “coffin” style telephone (so named because of the long, box-like appearance) decreased in price a whopping (almost) $3.00 in the one year between ’97 and ’98. Note that the item number changed, but the details of the telephone itself remained constant. While offered in ’97 for an “each” price of $13.50, by ’98, the “each” price had dropped to $10.70 and a remarkable discount of $1.80 for the “pair” at $19.60.

Improved long distance batter telephone: Item no. 6810 in Sears, Roebuck, & Co. catalog no. 104, 1897.

The Improved Long Distance Battery Telephone of the Regular Bell Telephone. Item No. 18232 in Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue no. 107, of 1898.

Desk ‘phone: Item No. 6311 for wall and desk phones by Sears, Roebuck, & Co., catalogue #104, year 1897.
Note that item No. 6312 is referenced as a “Desk ‘phone” (with the apostrophe indicating the dropped letters/syllable). It’s safe to say the shortened term “phone” appeared in the American use of the English language in or reasonably before 1897. See Google search, near the beginning of this article, with a “frequency of use” graph for both “telephone” and “phone”.

Improved telephone, and transmitter. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue no. 107, year 1898.

Phone transmitter and switches for sale in the Sears, Roebuck & Co. catalogue (no. 104) in year 1897.

Receiver for sale, item No. 18235 in the 1898 Sears, Roebuck, & Co. catalogue (No. 107)

Wire for telephones for sale in the Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue (no. 107) year 1898.
1902 Sears, Roebuck, & Co. : Without Telephones
For some reason I’ve not yet found, Sears, Roebuck and Co. ceased selling telephones after the 1898 catalog and prior to the 1902 catalogue (no. 111). In 1902 absolutely no telephones were available in the “Wish Book.”

NO Telephones in 1902 Sears, Roebuck and Co. Catalogue, No. 111.
Do you know why Sears, Roebuck, & Co. ceased selling telephones at the turn of the century? We’d love to hear!
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Updated May 2022
Copyright © 2016 Kristin Holt LC
Telephones for Sale by Sears Roebuck Telephones for Sale by Sears Roebuck