Why I Write Sweet Romance
At a time when hot-and-spicy romances top romance bestseller lists, have you wondered why I write sweet romance?
Everyone’s Favorites Differ
I love romance. Everything about it! I read and write romance because I’m a believer in happily-ever-after. When a fictional hero and heroine commit to one another in a forever sort of way, I feel hope for my own marriage. And more hope for humanity.
There’s nothing quite like the satisfying resolution, earned by triumphing over scads of conflict. When I’ve read the last page and sigh with contentment, I want to believe these two will survive–thrive!–facing every disaster life will throw at them. Together. They’re so much better off and infinitely stronger because of their partnership.
Why I write American Historical Romance~
My romances are sweet (clean; rated G/PG) with language and content appropriate for all audiences. My stories are set in the Victorian American West because that’s long been my favorite genre to read. The research captivates me. Sharing tidbits of interesting nineteenth century life in the Old West with readers pleases me (and has led to an ever-growing cache of articles).
Why I Write Sweet Romance~
Myriad reasons contribute to my choice of romance genres. First of all, I enjoy reading sweet romances, particularly those set in the American West. These stories pique my interest in nineteenth century medicine, inventions, and the settling of territories. In addition, tales in the Old West are a natural fit with “Clean” Romance. Why? Because Victorian-era decorum and etiquette demanded men (and women) speak with clean language (no vulgarity allowed).
In addition, Victorian-Americans had strict ideas about proper courtships and appropriate behavior between a young swain and the girl he courts. Yes, Victorian-era birth records indicate premarital and extramarital intimacies existed in high percentages–but such disregard for the social mores of the time was frowned upon. In fact, many were persecuted for having been born out of wedlock.
Lastly, I’m mother to three young women (ages 16 to 22 the day of this post). Ideally my daughters won’t learn the hard way that sex does not equal romantic love. The most convincing proof of romantic love can be illustrated without sex.
You be the judge. Did I succeed?
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Updated July 2022
Copyright © 2014 Kristin Holt LC