Victorian Homemakers Present Tapioca Pudding
Victorian Homemakers Present Tapioca Pudding
I love tapioca and I love Victorian America. It’s natural that I’d seek information where the two intersect, thus Victorian Homemakers Present Tapioca Pudding.
Instant tapioca pudding (from the red commercial box) was Mum’s favorite. I loved it too. In my adult years, I discovered a homemade recipe. The new recipe called for larger pearl tapioca. We fell in love with the “real” pudding. Delicious! Now my family loves tapioca pudding almost as much as that lady character in Fargo.

Fargo, 1996 (courtesy of Wikipedia) Source
Tapioca is Victorian?
You bet. First, tapioca was brought out of Brazil by Portuguese and Spanish explorers. This early export occurred in the early eighteenth century. Thus our immigrant ancestors knew all about tapioca in their Old Country (many nations). Most were familiar with this starch long before the Victorian Era.
Victorians Favored Pudding
I’ve gathered too many Victorian pudding recipes to present them in one post. I’ll stick with just one kind of nineteenth century pudding in this post: tapioca.
This newspaper article is from Wyoming Democrat of Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania on April 27, 1883. Title: Three Kinds of Pudding: Some Recipes That May be of Use to the Progressive Housekeeper. First, cottage pudding. Second, favorite pudding. Lastly, plain tapioca pudding.

Three Kinds of Pudding, Part 1 of 2. Published in Wyoming Democrat of Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania. April 27, 1883.

Three Kinds of Pudding, Part 2 of 2. Published in Wyoming Democrat of Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania. April 27, 1883.

Cassava Plantation (the plant from which tapioca is produced). Image: Freepik.
Tapioca for Sale

Tapioca Pudding is for sale in the 1897 Sears Catalog, No. 104.

Sago tapioca, as viewed from above. Image: used per paid Premium Membership Agreement, Image copyright @aekpn, Pongsak Neerachapothisatha.
Many More 19th Century Recipes
The following recipes are from vintage newspapers, era cook books, and mail-order circulars. All citations are listed in order, earliest to latest.

Tapioca Cream recipe, North Carolina Gazette of Fayetteville, North Carolina on February 19, 1874.

Three tapioca recipes: tapioca cream, tapioca pudding, and apple tapioca, published in Our Home Favorite cook book, 1882.

French Tapioca Custard. Our Home Favorites: The Young Women’s Home Mission Circle of First Baptist Church. 1882.

Tapioca Pudding Recipe (with apples). Published in The Inter Ocean of Chicago, Illinois. February 16, 1883.

Tapioca Recipe. Colorado Cookbook, published by The Young Ladies Mission Band of the Central Presbyterian Church. Denver, Colorado. Copyrighted June 7, 1883.

Tapioca Cream. Colorado Cookbook, published by The Young Ladies Mission Band of the Central Presbyterian Church. Denver, Colorado. Copyrighted June 7, 1883.

Tapioca Pudding recipe. Common Sense in the Household. 1884.

Apple and Tapioca Pudding. Common Sense in the Household. 1884.

Cream Tapioca Pudding. The Homemade Cook Book, 1885.

Tapioca Pudding (“Excellent for delicate children”). The Homemade Cook Book, 1885.

Peach Tapioca Recipe. The Record-Union of Sacramento, California. October 10, 1885.

Tapioca Cream Pudding. Alabama Beacon of Greensboro, Alabama on June 21, 1887.

Tapioca Pudding, in The Every-Day Cook-Book and Encyclopedia of Practical Recipes. 1889.

Cream Tapioca Pudding. The Every-Day Cook-Book and Encyclopedia of Practical Recipes. 1889.

Three tapioca recipes: Tapioca Pudding No 1, Tapioca Pudding No. 2, and Apple and Tapioca Pudding. Published in Receipt Book; Improvement Society of the Second Reformed Church. New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1890.

Peach Tapioca Pudding Recipe. The Columbian Cook Book Containing Reliable Rules for Plain and Fancy Cooking. 1892.

Tapioca Pudding. Three Hundred Tested Recipes, 2nd Edition. 1895.

Tapioca Cream recipe. Three Hundred Tested Recipes, 2nd Edition. 1895.

Apple Tapioca. Three Hundred Tested Recipes, 2nd Edition, 1895.

Tapioca Pudding. Kentucky Receipt Book by Mary Harris Frazer, 1903.

Apple Tapioca Pudding. Dr. Sloan’s Cook Book and Advice to Housekeepers, 1905.

Also from the early 1900s, Caramel Tapioca Pudding. Published in The West Bend Cookbook.
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Updated July 2019
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