Calico Balls: The Fashionable Thing of the Late 19th Century
Calico Balls: The Fashionable Thing of the Late 19th Century
Calico Balls: Fashionable!
America’s 19th Century Newspapers announce Calico Balls
The dresses from Mrs. COMAN’S Calico Ball had not, yesterday, arrived at the House of Industry, but will probably be “on hand” to-day. The arrival of the dresses is looked for with much interest by many “anxious expectants.”
~ aThe New York Times of New York, New York on January 18, 1855
NOTE: Notice the inclusion of male attire (700 garments!): coats, vests, pants &c. of the finest quality. So it’s no big surprise that Dr. Henry Merritt, DDS, would wear calico to the ball…
CALICO BALL AT BEERSHEBA.–The guests at Beersheba are preparing to have a lively time on next Tuesday night, the 31st. On that evening a grand “fancy calico ball” will come off, oromising [sic] infinite sport and entertainment to all who may be present. The pretty girls will appear prettier in their neat, plain attire, and the ugly ones–but no, there are no ugly girls at Beersheba and we hav’nt [sic] heard of any who are going. We tuppose [sic] the ladies will discard hoops and crinoline, and their beaux will have an opportunity of judging what sort of dairy maids they would make. We suppose no one who is able to get there will stay away, and we understand that the gentlemanly proprietor, Mr. SCOTT, has provided accommodations for all the world and the rest of man and womankind. [sic]
~ (transcribed with care, including all spelling and punctuation) Nashville Union and American of Nashville, Tennessee on August 24, 1858.
GRAND CALICO BALL.–Palmer & Darr give a ball at McDonald Hall on Friday evening next, the proceeds of which, after paying expenses, will be distributed among the needy and poor of this city, by Capt. Dan Young, of the police force. The members of the Band attached to the Wilder House render their services on this occasion gratuitously.
Tickets only $1.00 for the above worthy object, to be had at the Wilder House.
~ Fort Scott Daily Monitor of Fort Scott, Kansas on January 5, 1870.
The Calico Ball.
Night before last the calico ball come off under the auspices of the old Las Vegas Social Club. The entertainment was one of the most successful events of the season. The ladies all wore calico dresses and made an exceedingly neat appearance. The young gentlemen wore calico neckties or a strip of calico tied in a bow around the left arm. aThe best society of Vegas was present. The attendance was not so large as at some former occasions but enough were present to have a good time.
T.A. Jones prepared the repast and it was served at his restaurant on the plaza. The dance lasted till about 2 o’clock in the morning when it broke up and all returned to their homes well pleased with their evenings entertainment. This as well as the Leap Year party was something novel and was consequently much more enjoyable than the usual routine dances. That’s right always get up something new and it will always be appreciated. The following named ladies were in attendance:
Mesdames, Marvin, W.H. Shupp, W.A. Givens, John Speers, Overhuls, M. Hise, Kohn, Scott Moore, Clancy, John Mills. Misses Idy Wiley, Julia McKay, Fannie Rosenthal, Carrie Stoops, Miss Carpenter, Jessie Hubbell, Belle Kohn, Fannie Herbert.
~ Daily Gazette of Las Vegas, New Mexico on March 7, 1880
(transcribed from a digital scan of the newspaper article. Whether of poor quality to begin with, or the ink lost with age, the scan is difficult to read; I provided a carefully transcribed, word-for-word, with care taken to preserve historic punctuation, spelling, and formatting.)
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Updated March 2021
Copyright © 2018 Kristin Holt LC
Calico Balls: The Fashionable Thing of the Late 19th Century