Introducing: Heidi Vanlandingham’s The Woodworker’s Mail-Order Bride
Introducing: Heidi Vanlandingham’s The Woodworker’s Mail-Order Bride
I ‘met’ Heidi when we both contributed titles to the American Mail-Order Brides Series. Heidi wrote Lucie: Bride of Tennessee (American Mail-Order Brides Book 16), and I wrote twin sisters Lessie: Bride of Utah (American Mail-Order Brides Book 45) and Josie: Bride of New Mexico (American Mail-Order Brides Book 47).
Heidi is a genuinely nice person–and Because Nice Matters, I’m delighted to promote her newest contribution to Western Historical Romance.
I’m delighted to introduce Heidi Vanlandingham‘s new release
(coming May 19, 2017)
The Woodworker’s Mail-Order Bride
Behind the Book:
from Heidi Vanlandingham ~

Creede Original Town Site, 1892 – Historical Society Archive #450-CRO-6c1, image courtesy of
When I start a new book, one of the first things I research is the location. It has to be different than the normal locations most historical authors write about. It also must be a real town that was there at the time of my story. I also wanted the location for The Woodworker’s Mail-Order Bride had to be easily accessible and preferably have a railroad station. Because of the amounts of silver being shipped out of town, Creede, Colorado had two stations.
The one thing that drew me to Creede was the beauty surrounding the tiny town. Nestled inside the gulch of East Willow Creek Canyon, the silver mining town had everything I needed for the perfect story. Quaint town, interesting people, and nonstop excitement.
The original town site was named Willow Camp, but when silver was discovered nearby, the population swelled to over 10,000 and slab cities and tent towns sprang up, with their own names. Because of this and the confusion it would cause in the story, I just stuck to the original name of Creede. After all, the man who discovered the silver and set the town in motion was Nicholas Creede.
With more than forty saloons and even more gambling halls and houses of ill-repute, this town was filled with quite a few of the wild and crazy characters we all grew up hearing about during the Wild West. Poker Lulu Swain, the Mormon Queen, and Timberline were prostitutes in “the house”. Bat Masterson, lawman and life-long friend to Wyatt Earp, ran a gambling hall, and Bob Ford, the man who killed Jesse James, owned and operated another. When I discovered the notorious con-man (and as close to a mob boss as that time in history allowed) Soapy Smith called himself the King of Creede and controlled the majority of the money from the gambling halls, I had my story.
I had so much fun writing The Woodworker’s Mail-Order Bride and hope you find Rebecca’s and Anthony’s adventurous love story as interesting as I did!
Content Copyright © Heidi Vlandingham 2017

Vintage photograph of Creede, Colorado. Image, courtesy of Amanda.

Where is Creede, Colorado? See red circle and “Creede” in south-central Colorado. Image courtesy of Amanda.
Back cover blurb of The Woodworker’s Mail Order Bride:
Ashamed of his criminal past, Anthony Trevain is living the solitary life he wants, but when he finds himself raising his orphaned younger sister, he’s forced to take a bride. Marriage to Rebecca is nothing like he thought, each day a struggle as he tries to keep his past a secret and his wife at arms’ length. To provide for his new family, he must accept a job from the one man who could put him back in the criminal life.
To escape the clutches of her society-driven mother, Rebecca Townsend flees Baltimore as a mail-order bride. When she arrives in the mining town of Creede, Colorado, nothing is as she thought it would be. Rebecca falls in love with the stranger she married, but does Anthony love her enough to make their marriage work?
A series of incidents puts Rebecca and Anthony, their family, and friends in grave danger. Will their new family be torn apart before they can come together?
Content Copyright © Heidi Vlandingham 2017
About Heidi:
Heidi Vanlandingham
“Worlds of Adventure Sprinkled With Love”
Website Newsletter

Author Heidi Valandingham, Image: courtesy of Amazon’s Heidi Valandingham Page.
Have you ever picked up a book and lost yourself in the story, laughing on one page then cry on the next? This is my goal as a writer. I want to bring readers the same pleasure I have when reading a good book. My favorite genres are paranormal, historical, gothic, and young adult. And somewhere buried in all that is a great cozy mystery just waiting for me to discover it.
I live in the middle of tornado country. aI write during the day and the rest of the time I can be found in a baseball stadium somewhere watching my academically brilliant and athletically talented son. I love to travel, prefer to read than do anything else, have an autistic son and several immortal fish who know I need their space for more books.
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Introduction and related articles Copyright © Kristin Holt LC 2017
Introducing: Heidi Vanlandingham’s The Woodworker’s Mail-Order Bride