Vintage Coffee Cake
Vintage Coffee Cake

Blueberry Coffee Cake, a Weight Watchers Recipe. Image: Pinterest.
Today–April 7th, is National Coffee Cake Day (in the United States).
Vintage Coffee Cake Recipes, Victorian-American

Coffee Cake Recipe (fancy or plain), 2nd Edition of The Home Messenger Book of Tested Recipes, published in 1878 by Isabella Stewart.
Coffee Cake.–One cup of sugar, one do each of molasses, coffee and butter, one egg, one teaspoonful each of soda and cream tartar, one teaspoonful each kind of spice. Fruit to the taste. Don’t mix too hard–not as hard as fruit cake.–When it rises even in the dish, and bakes so it is right, it makes a splendid fruit cake, and better by standing.
~ The Coshocton Tribune of Coshocton, Ohio on January 8, 1868

Coffee-Cakes (rolled up like a cinnamon roll) and Breakfast Coffee-Cakes (cut out like a baking powder biscuit). Both recipes appeared in The Homemade Cook Book, 1885.

Coffee Cake, from Kentucky Receipt Book by Mary Harris Frazer, published in 1903.

Coffee Cakes: rolled and cut like baking powder biscuits, sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar, and decorated with one raisin. Recipe included in 365 Cakes and Cookies, 1904.

Stollen (Coffee Cake), published in The West Bend Cook Book, 1908.

Crumb Cake- my personal idea of a delicious coffee cake! This recipe, by Mrs. F. Greenwood, was included in The West Bend Cook Book, 1908.

Cinnamon Cream Cheese Coffee Cake (with Image: Pinterest.
Two examples of coffee extract for flavor (instead of coffee)

Coffee Cake Recipe, The Home Messenger Book of Tested Recipes, 2nd Edition, Published 1878 by Isabella Stewart.

Coffee Fruit Cake and two similar Coffee Cake recipes, all contained within Our Home Favorite cook book, 1882. Notice the Coffee Fruit Cake is to be baked from 4 to 5 hours.

Coffee Cake, with coffee as ingredient. Royal Baker Pastry Cook, by Prof. G Rudmani, Late Chef de Cuisine of the New York Cooking School, published in 1888 by the Royal Baking Powder Company, New York.

Coffee Cake recipe from The Every-Day Cook-Book and Encyclopedia of Practical Recipes, 1889.

Coffee Cake by Mrs. L.E. Riddle, contained in Receipt Book: Improvement Society of the Second Reformed Church of New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1890.

Coffee Cake Recipe, from Three Hundred Tested Recipes, 2nd Edition, published 1895.

Iron Gem Pans, both shallow and deep. The shallow pan weighs 3 lbs 5 oz, and costs $0.16. The deep pan weighs 5 lbs., and costs $0.20. Advertised in the 1895 Montgomery Ward Spring and Summer Catalogue.

Coffee Gems, made with coffee extract, published in Mrs. Roer’s New Cook Book, 1902.

Deep Bread Pans (tin) and Common Square Pans (tin). Sizes and prices listed. Offered in the 1897 Sears Catalog No. 104.

Coffee Cake Loaf, from Kentucky Receipt Book by Mary Harris Frazer, 1903.

Coffee Gems, flavored with coffee extract. Notice the instructions to beat by hand for “a quarter of an hour”! Published in 365 Cakes and Cookies, 1904.

1 of 2: Coffee Cake from 365 Cakes and Cookies, 1904.

2 of 2: Coffee Cake from 365 Cakes and Cookies, 1904.
Do any of these recipes resemble your favorite variety? What kind of coffee cake do you enjoy most?
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Updated May 2022
Copyright © 2018 Kristin Holt LC
Vintage Coffee Cake