Victorian Combination Desk and Book Cabinet

Victorian Combination Desk and Book Cabinet

My husband’s brother inherited a piece of antique Victorian-era furniture originally belonging to his great-grandfather. The piece has stood in the living room of my brother- and sister-in-law for many years since Grandma (the original owner’s daughter-in-law) passed away. I’ve admired the piece but didn’t recognize it was more than a glass-fronted cabinet–a writing desk!–until I saw an historic advertisement for a nearly identical piece in a nineteenth century newspaper advertisement.

This article contains newspaper advertisements with engravings, images of current antique combination desk bookcases, and our family heirloom piece. Victorian prices are compared with the modern dollar (accounting for inflation).

Top 5 Reasons READERS of Western Historical Romance Benefit From Visiting Historical Museum Residences

Top 5 Reasons READERS of Western Historical Romance Benefit From Visiting Historical Museum Residences

You might think it’s easy to come up with way more than FIVE top reasons. Go ahead. Start listing. It’s not as easy as it might seem.

After all, have you even thought about intentionally touring American Victorian Era museum houses that are open to the public? Why would you even want to visit a musty, old house? You read books set in the era, love them enough to pick up another, enjoy visiting the past and its various locales… so what’s to be gained by physically setting foot in a house that was built (and lived in) during the time period?

I share My Top 5 Reasons READERS of Western Historical Romances Benefit From Visiting Historical Museum Residences.