by Kristin Holt | Nov 13, 2017 | Articles
Book Review of Chris Enss’s title: Wicked Women: Notorious, Mischievous, and Wayward Ladies from the Old West. This nonfiction, informative, entertaining book presents women of the Old West–their impact and influence on mining towns, settling the west, and men from prospectors to politicians.
by Kristin Holt | Sep 3, 2017 | Articles
Would frontiersmen actually pool their financial resources to bring potential brides west? Would they trust one of their own to go East to find brides for them all? One county in Dakota Territory did just that in 1885. A California newspaper, The Petaluma Courier announced the plan.
The circumstances immediately brought to mind the premise behind my series, Prosperity’s Mail-Order Brides. Books 2 and 3 are in the queue (with titles!), and all have fancy new covers.
by Kristin Holt | Aug 2, 2017 | Articles
This summer, I’ve listened to the Audible (audio) editions of three Old West nonfiction recounts of tales and legends in America’s history. My starred ratings illustrate how much I found them worthwhile, enjoyable, and informative. Love history? These three are worth checking out.
by Kristin Holt | Feb 5, 2017 | Articles
Introducing USA Today Bestselling Author Josie Riviera and her Valentine’s Day-themed title, I Love You More. This sweet contemporary romance contains elements we love: family, second chances, and connections the characters didn’t know they had. I’m treating myself to this read for Valentines!
by Kristin Holt | Nov 25, 2016 | Articles
Short Term Price Discount: 67% off three bestselling titles, The Bride Lottery, Lessie: Bride of Utah, and Josie: Bride of New Mexico. Each title, 99¢ from November 24, 2016 through November 29, 2016. This is the FIRST time The Bride Lottery has been discounted from $2.99 since it debuted at a low price introductory rate. Grab it now at 99¢!