by Kristin Holt | Feb 12, 2020 | Articles
Part 3 of an ongoing series ~
Who knew? Tobacco use in the nineteenth century might surprise you! Without today’s health warnings, tobacco became a favorite vice among men and women of all ages (including children). Numerous vintage sources paint an accurate backdrop of cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, chewing tobacco, etc., dispelling the myths surrounding tobacco use throughout the American nineteenth century.
by Kristin Holt | Feb 11, 2019 | Articles
Etiquette and all that is deemed “good manners” morphs over time. Behavior that our nineteenth-century ancestors would find appropriate has largely disappeared, and today’s idea of a man’s best actions with his hat would appall our great-granddaddies. Specifically speaking, “Common Details of Western Historical Romance that are Historically Incorrect, Part 2” entails nineteenth century hat etiquette–specifically men in the company of women–and contains more vintage citations than my earlier post titled Hat Etiquette of the Victorian Era.
by Kristin Holt | Jul 3, 2018 | Articles
A man’s proper suit of clothes was worn by gentlemen, bankers, clerks, professionals… virtually every man except those who labored manually (such as miners). Given men owned so few items of clothing, they certainly wore what they had, despite the demand. Levi Strauss developed the original “Levi’s 201’s” and “Levi’s 501’s”, built to last in the clothing-destroying mines. Compare and contrast the “suit of clothes” with Levi’s originals.
by Kristin Holt | Jul 1, 2018 | Articles
In Victorian men’s fashion, Collars and Cuffs were something altogether separate and different than a shirt. A whole different paradigm, given today’s men’s dress shirts are one solid piece, with the collar and cuffs attached. See vintage images of the styles and reasons why tailors (and factory producers) bothered to make the collars separate–and why some were made of PAPER rather than fabric.
by Kristin Holt | Dec 17, 2016 | Articles
I’m a woman. I’ve never fired a gun (other than a BB gun when I was twelve). I read a lot of western historical romance and I write it too. When writing The Marshal’s Surrender (the most gun-intense book so far), I still had to do a lot of research to make sure my story stood on an accurate historical platform. Where did gunmen stash their Colt revolvers? What did their holsters look like? Did they wear a belt? What about a hidden, back-up gun (like gamblers always seem to have)? In this article, I share vintage photographs and an 1877 patent image, showing those of us unfamiliar with nineteenth century firearms what they looked like.