by Kristin Holt | Dec 13, 2016 | Articles
Weather can be a character in a book, just like a person or an animal. In the case of The Marshal’s Surrender, Winter is a setting and a villainous character, hiding clues, endangering lives, impacting nearly every scene as a sense of place and timing. Have you ever thought of weather in the role of character?
by Kristin Holt | Apr 27, 2015 | Articles
Colorado has a rich and varied mining history. The influx of miners contributed significantly to the settling of Colorado. Many different minerals and precious metals were mined from Colorado’s mountains. Leadville, Colorado, a real town rich with silver mining history, plays a minor role in my novel The Bride Lottery–the nearest town with a railway spur. This article covers the history of Colorado mining in a nutshell, showcasing the fact behind my fiction.
by Kristin Holt | Mar 25, 2015 | Articles
Prosperity, Colorado, is a mining community I completely made up. It’s fiction. Yet it’s mirrored on an actual area of Colorado, historically accurate mining camps, and Colorado’s rich mining history.