Cool Desserts for a Victorian Summer Evening

Cool Desserts for a Victorian Summer Evening

Cool, inexpensive dessert recipes appealed to our Victorian grandmothers, especially in summertime heat. These three recipes, published in the Saint Paul Globe of Saint Paul, Minnesota on June 24, 1888 were perfect for a cameo appearance in my Holidays in Mountain Home title 8– Unmistakably Yours.

Victorian Baking: Saleratus, Baking Soda, and Salsoda

Victorian Baking: Saleratus, Baking Soda, and Salsoda

Today, December 30th, is National Bicarbonate of Soda Day.

Why recognize and celebrate such an obscure “foodie” day?

Victorian-era recipes containing saleratus, pearl ash, baking soda, baking powder (and more) can be confusing… and evoke a million questions. When were each used? Which were Victorian-era developments? Which did 19th century cooks prefer?

Victorian Fare: Cookies

Victorian Fare: Cookies

Can you imagine baking cookies like a Victorian? Given many ingredients and measuring methods are unfamiliar to today’s cooks, I’ve shared brief info about those mystery ingredients and 19th-century measuring implements.

Victorian Fare: Yorkshire Pudding

Victorian Fare: Yorkshire Pudding

Today, October 13th, is National Yorkshire Pudding Day! The side dish comes to America’s melting pot from England, well before the Victorian era. I’ll share recipes from the 19th century American newspapers as well as my husband’s family’s modern recipe. Yum!

Potato Chips in the Old West

Potato Chips in the Old West

Potato Chips are an American (and world-wide) favorite. Invented by accident–or should we say “accidentally-on-purpose”?–these potato crisps first graced the table of an elite resort in 1853 in upstate New York. News of the “invention” spread far and fast, and quickly became part of every homemaker’s repertoire, available on grocer’s shelves, served in restaurants, peddled by salesmen, and inspired further inventions.