Victorian Gingerbread Recipes

Victorian Gingerbread Recipes

“Gingerbread” may immediately cause visions of cookie-and-candy houses dripping with icicles made of brittle white icing, but gingerbread’s Victorian history is so much more than that. Perhaps this broader history is why the National Day Calendar says today, June 5, is National Gingerbread Day.

Oatmeal and Victorian America’s Attitude

Oatmeal and Victorian America’s Attitude

Some Victorians spoke of oatmeal as if it were a mainstay of their diets. Others claimed oats were fit only for animal fodder or for use in baths to soften skin… but food? Ugh. No. Why were beliefs so polarized? Why did Victorian-Americans have an aversion to oats?

Victorian Apple Dumplings

Victorian Apple Dumplings

As today is National Apple Dumpling Day, I rounded up vintage apple dumplings recipes from various sources (19th century cookbooks and 19th century newspapers) that illustrate different cooking methods and a variety of “dumpling” options, including different sauces and serving methods. Welcome, Autumn!

Pearl Ash, Potash, and the Ashery

Pearl Ash, Potash, and the Ashery

I’ve recently covered leavening agents in Victorian Baking, including saleratus and baking soda (let’s not confuse salsoda!). But what of the “pearl ash” noted in early American cook books (1796)? Asheries were a significant part of 19th century life, as ashes (can you imagine?) were a significant export from the United States and Canada. Come see what pearl ash was, how it was made, and what an ashery was all about.

Victorian Era Thanksgiving Celebrations

Victorian Era Thanksgiving Celebrations

Our Victorian American ancestors celebrated Thanksgiving very much like we do today. Some fun traditions have slowly melted away into obscurity but others are still going strong. This article contains detail amateur historians will enjoy, the official photograph of 1890 University of Michigan football team, and images of printed invitations issued for holiday parties.