Victorian Cheesecake?

Victorian Cheesecake?

Today, July 30th, is National Cheesecake Day. Yummy!

Did cheesecake exist in Victorian times? Earlier? When was it invented? The timeline of this rich dessert might surprise you! Come see vintage recipes from Victorian-era American newspapers and cookbooks, variations on the theme of cheesecake, and learn how “new” ingredients (such as Philadelphia Cream Cheese) came about… A calorie-free way to celebrate National Cheesecake Day!

The Victorian Root Beer War

The Victorian Root Beer War

Hires Root Beer, from its debut in the mid-1870s, was sold as a refreshing beverage (with no medicinal expectations). The name, chosen by Charles H. Hires, to appeal to tough coal miners, who’d never find “root tea” attractive, ended up causing Hires Co. a bit of trouble with Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU). Who knew that “beer” in a name, and the common knowledge that root beer extract was percolated with alcohol (though the finished drink had no more than a whole loaf of homemade bread), to cause banning of the beverage?

Bicycle Built For Two

Bicycle Built For Two

A bicycle built for two plays a role in my new release, Sophia’s Leap-Year Courtship. Such bicycles are romantic–and they’re making a resurgence. I see them in romantic bridal photography, all over Pinterest, and the research for the book showed me just when they were originally “a thing” and how they could fit into this book. Come see!

Victorian Women on Bicycles

Victorian Women on Bicycles

Though American Victorian women took to the safety bicycle in droves, newspaper and public notices of the day show that women on bicycles were not widely accepted. A public service announcement from The Woman’s Rescue League proclaimed that women on bicycles were immoral, vulgar, disease-ridden, and unwomanly. Such attitudes didn’t keep women from their bicycles, and with the advent of the new Safety Bicycle, women such as my character, Sophia Sorensen (Sophia’s Leap-Year Courtship), took to cycling and had no interest in forfeiting the exercise and transportation.

Victorian Bicycling Etiquette

Victorian Bicycling Etiquette

As with virtually all activities and behaviors in the Victorian Era, American society developed a set of etiquette rules governing bicycling. One might suppose this list is about signalling (hand gestures) or riding in pairs for protection. You might be quite surprised to see the lengthy list of do’s and dont’s [sic] offered up in a vintage newspaper article from 1895, and in various magazines of the day.