by Kristin Holt | Dec 23, 2016 | Articles
During the latter half of the nineteenth century, Letters to Santa Claus were a common appearance in newspapers. Whether the practice alerted parents, shared heartwarming tales of postal employees gathering nickles from among their department to stand in as a “Secret Santa” (modern lingo), or perhaps brought about by a store’s advertisements in the newspaper, Letters to Santa Claus provide a unique glimpse into the past. Want to know what toys children found appealing in the 1870’s? Or what dolls were fashioned of? Take a peek inside!
by Kristin Holt | Dec 1, 2016 | Articles
Flirting, during the American Victorian era, was often deemed in poor taste (and a sign of low-breeding). Men and women in large cities found a way around the censure–they flirted in the personals column of newspapers. Examples illustrate the personals used requesting an introduction (or interview), private and secretive communications, and to find a lady to begin a courtship. Mother (and/or chaperones) may not have approved…but what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.
by Kristin Holt | Nov 4, 2016 | Articles
When Courting Miss Cartwright was published within the Western Historical Romance anthology, Cowboys & Calico, I didn’t include the “Dear Reader” letter, but it appears in the newly available stand-alone title (Courting Miss Cartwright). I share the brief note inside this article, in case you read the anthology, because I’d love to share a bit about why the Yiddish words and phrases, more about the quotes at the beginning of chapters, and how this title connects to two of my series.
by Kristin Holt | Oct 23, 2016 | Articles
It’s no surprise in today’s environment that women (and men) can choose any color hair they desire, piercings and tattoos at will, and permanent makeup (tattooed eyeliner and lip-liner). I shouldn’t have been surprised to learn today’s plastic surgeons offer dimple surgery to create the desirable feature Mother Nature forgot to grant. What shocked me was the inventive Victorian who figured out how to artificially bring about dimples.
by Kristin Holt | Oct 20, 2016 | Articles
Nineteenth Century American Bath Houses were often businesses connected to hotels, barber shops, ladies’ hairdressers, and spas offering massages and curative measures (steam baths, medicated baths, etc.). In the Old West, such businesses advertised in the newspapers of the day, some announcing prices (compared to today’s dollar). It’s a peek into the luxury of a wet-from-head-to-toe bath when a person has no running water at home.